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The questionnaire responses provide evidence that most people have been to art galleries/museums before. Even though some of them do not have a clear memory about the art gallery/museum. However, most of them still remember where they have been to and what impressed them inside the art gallery/museum.

And if we look at the art galleries/museums location they have been to, most of the art galleries/museums are located in the capital city, developed city and historical city. Which means there are certain requirements are required to hold the art galleries/museums in the city. Either it is a well-developed city with a large number of population. People who are working and living there might require to have the art gallery/museum to spend their spare time there. Or it is a historical city which already has the cultural atmosphere and context around to hold this art gallery/museum.



There are plenty of reasons which lead people to visit art gallery/museum. Nevertheless, the most attractive element is the artworks, followed by the atmosphere in the art gallery/museum. Interesting, this correlation is related to interior architecture design. The result is showing us that visitor go down art gallery/museum because of the artworks they are displaying, however, while the visitors are having a look at the artworks, they are looking at the atmosphere inside the interior space too. And they are expecting to enjoy the masterpiece of art in a good atmosphere. Furthermore, Rasmussen (1962, p. 40) concluded that when visitors see the place in reality, visitors get a very striking impression of it, they sense the atmosphere around them and are no longer just keep an eye on the picture of the space. Visitors experienced both physical and mental structures. Pallasmaa (2005, p. 44) also writes that ‘Good architecture offers shapes and surfaces moulded for the pleasurable touch of the eye.’ Ultimately, visitors and artworks are in constant interaction with the art galleries.



Therefore, the next question is about exploring the space design and visitors’ experience. Such as what design elements impress people most in art gallery/museum. This finding revealed that most people choose building's type and size, which is definitely one of the first elements to consider when designers are going to design space. And then lighting, natural light and colour scheme become relatively important elements which are affecting visitors’ experience in the art gallery/museum as well.



After I looked at the overall visitors’ feeling of the design and context about the art gallery/museum. I explored this topic in more detail. I asked people about the particular design which impressed them inside the art gallery/museum. Surprisingly, I have received many interesting answers. For instance, musical lift inside the art gallery, which is unique and fun, especially in a gallery space where it is always quiet. And a large number of people have been amazed by the use of natural light and a good mix of natural greenery with building material. This finding is showing how important it is to design the lighting and make use of the natural light in the building. The richness of history in the architecture and the usage of its interior spaces; the lighting in the spaces complements the space, both natural lights and lights for exhibits, which are really striking. The finding is consistent with findings of past studies by Rasmussen (1962, p.158) ‘The building should be experience in function’.



Looking at the overall comments of the art gallery/museum design again, there are many types of art gallery/museum, I want to explore what kind of contemporary art galleries/museums design are preferred by visitors? People who answered this question, they have been to different types of art gallery/museum, however, this finding provides evidence that blend of old tradition retained gives it value and cultural pride, both traditional looking and modern designs bring the best experience in different forms of art. Someone would say the modern design is great, they would like to see equipped with modern technological advancements for eco-smart buildings to move towards architectural sustainability. However, some of them would like to go for traditional designs, because the sense of heritage is embodied in historical style building, new modernized buildings have little connection to the past. Therefore, reusing old building with new technology, creating a contrast between old and new, combined together could be a new and better trend of contemporary art gallery/museum design.



The last part of this questionnaire is linked to the main aim of this research project. The finding suggests how the experience in art galleries/museums could be improved. The most striking result to emerge from the data is that interactive experience has been mentioned several times by many respondents. Some of them suggest a more 3D immersive interactive experience would be good, virtual reality is the in thing now. Others mention interaction will play a part in improving the experience. Also, activity involving the visitor will help create a memorable experience as well. Nevertheless, some people are not expecting any interaction there, so meditative spaces to refresh one’s mind would be good because they make absorbing culture and art more enjoyable.



This questionnaire has found that generally people are aware of the relationship between visitors’ experience and art gallery/museum design. and most of them realized that the whole space and building design is affecting their behaviour, emotion and interactions inside. Slowly people start to pay close attention to art gallery/museum design while they are visiting the artworks or attending events there. Also, they have their own impression about design, arts and architecture design nowadays, which is indeed a good trend. Therefore, we can see that the connection between visitors’ experience and the art gallery/museum design becomes more and more intimate. In other words, art gallery/museum should not be just build for display artworks; it has to be experienced.


question 2
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question 6

© 2016 by Ying Zhu, Interior Architecture and Design

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