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Photo & video analysis


The design of Tate Modern impresses every visitor, the colour scheme matches the whole design concept of this industry building. The height from ground level is 26m, therefore, it can display very large sculptural projects and installation art. The large vertical window comes along with this ceiling height is the other outstanding point of Tate Modern. The building itself makes a strong impression on the visitors, it is because of that the structure was not proportioned according to human measurements. In additional, according to Rasmussen (1962, p. 118) when you have gone through this space with the ceiling height, also seen the weird planning and other brick wall features arranged effectively in relation to the context, the usual building seems strangely petty in comparison. Both the skylight window and the fenestration allow natural light to go through the whole internal space and create a good atmosphere for visitors at the same time. When visitors are exploring the design of the art gallery/museum, visitors are aware of the textural effects as well. The finding from photos and videos is consistent with findings of past studies by Rasmussen (1962, p. 33) which designer have to be aware of the textural effects, find out why those colours and materials were selected, also, how the choice influences the orientation of all spaces in relation to natural light and windows.

Interview analysis


I have interviewed 10 people in the Tate Modern, they are tourists, students, international students, working adults and seniors. They have different occupational backgrounds, however, they all are impressed by the artworks and building itself. Overall, they are expecting and enjoying the interesting experience inside Tate Modern.


Design Elements

When we were talking about which design elements impress them most in the art gallery, most of them mentioned the Building type and size. At the same time, they chose the natural light because they like the open design concept. Obviously, visitors are looking at the whole atmosphere in the art gallery. Rasmussen (1962, p. 33) found that ‘But details tell nothing essential about architecture, simply because the object of all good architecture is to create integrated wholes.’, which is in good agreement with the results of this interview.


Enjoyable Area

The findings highlight that visitors enjoy both the artworks and the atmosphere in Tate Modern, which means when people visit an art gallery they do not just go to the place where art is displayed, they are going to enjoy the entire feeling of space. Why so many visitors mentioned about atmosphere? The finding is consistent with findings of past studies by Rasmussen (1962, p. 40), which everyone knows the different between visit place in reality and see in a picture. It is no longer about the angle from which the picture was made anymore, it is about visitors sense the atmosphere around them. Visitors hear its sounds, breathe the air of the place, notice how they are interacting with space around them.


Impression of Contemporary Art Gallery/Museum

Even though Tate Modern is one of the most famous art galleries, most of the visitors here do not have any idea about the contemporary design of art gallery/museum.

If designers want the contemporary art galleries to create striking impression for visitors, designers probably should focus on creating a more unique building and interior design for art gallery/museum, or invite the more famous international artist to display their work in the art gallery to amaze visitors.



Some visitors have mentioned they are lost in this space planning. Especially when the escalators do not connect each floor properly, and space is huge.

Also, some visitors would like to visit all exhibitions in Tate Modern without paying any admission fee. However, that means the Tate Modern have to receive more funding from the government and try to solve all finance issues to hold all exhibitions by themselves. This is definitely good for visitors but probably will bring more problems to artists and art gallery/museum itself.

Interview analysis


I interviewed 4 visitors inside the Wellcome Collection on 22nd December 2015.


At first, the most interesting results to emerge from the data is that visitors are stunned with the art gallery building and interior design. Especially the shop, café and exhibitions, which attract most of the visitors. I found that the reason why the shop is so famous is because it is selling a specific range of books and accessories. For instance, particular fun books about philosophy and medicine. It helps to attract visitors and make the art gallery become more special.


Design Elements

The second question is which design elements inspire visitors most in the Wellcome Collection. Visitors go for the lighting and colour scheme instead of building type and size in this art gallery. Rasmussen (1962, p. 164) also found that visitors cannot explain for their different evaluations, however, the difference they sense is real enough. Rasmussen (1962, p. 164) make a good point when states that ‘words can put you on the right track but you have to experience the textural effects yourself to realized what it is all about’. This finding is showing the type of design elements are not the main focus, at least, when all the design elements come together, it is creating a good entire atmosphere and it is interesting and fun at the same time.


Enjoyable Area

Art galleries usually focus on exhibitions and collections. However, this finding highlights that shop and atmosphere are important as well. Visitors come for the exhibition on the first day, and come back for the shop on the second day, this is showing us when visitors can only find something in the shop and they have never seen it anywhere else. The shop inside the art gallery becomes one of the outstanding and attractive points.



Even though the Wellcome Collection is amazing for visitors, there is always something more that can be done to improve it. One of the suggestions is about the lift for the disabled. The design of the lift is nice, unfortunately, the function of it is not as outstanding as the design. Therefore, designers should do practical design concept and do what people think is important. Also, too much noise and crowd may disrupt visitors’ experience in the gallery too. Also, bringing convenient to visitors may be one of the goals to achieve when the designer is doing design for the internal space.

Photo & video analysis


The design of the Wellcome Collection is brilliant. The gallery is housed in the historic building and there are 3 floors open to the public.

Information, café, shop, cloakroom and gallery are located on the ground floor, which has an impressive interior design and welcoming atmosphere. Especially the curved staircase design, which is catching visitors’ eyes. The colour scheme of the interior design is more towards warm colour tone.

Galleries, collections and events are located on the first floor. It is free to visit all the collections and exhibitions.

The reading room, collections library and restaurant are located on the second floor. The flooring is divided by two different patterns of timber because one part belongs to the Wellcome library and the other part is the Wellcome collection.


Flooring is finished in timber and tiles, walls are mainly painted. The more interesting part is ceiling design and lighting design, also the staircase design.

Photo & video analysis


Concrete, timber, glass and tiles have been used a lot in this art gallery design. After studying a few art galleries’ design in London, the results are showing designer’s first choice for ground floor flooring is tiles or marble tiles similar to the ones inside Wellcome Collection and RA. Ceiling and wall design will come with some details, basically, it is following the building design concept. Inside the exhibitions and collections, it is timber flooring. And glass has been used a lot in this building as well, especially for the lift and staircase areas. Glass provides a wider view for visitors when they are crossing each floor. Therefore, visitors can see the building’s texture clearly when they walk up and down.


All of the design elements inside RA are creating a very simple and historic background for artist to display their work; quiet and cosy atmosphere for visitors to visit all artworks. However, Rasmussen (1962, p. 59) also found that the visitors who try to take in every detail of the building will feel no sense of balance or harmony. When visitors are visiting such a historic building like RA, they should be looking at the whole atmosphere it is represented instead of particular details.

Also, RA is doing specific exhibitions about artists and architects. Which is making it more special too. This study has found that generally art gallery/museum with a strong and outstanding subject is more attractive than random subject art gallery/museum.

Tate - interview
wellcom interview

© 2016 by Ying Zhu, Interior Architecture and Design

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